Blog #3
When discussing copyright and fair use issues in the classroom, it's first important to understand what sorts of issues can arise when using and referencing material that is not our intellectual property. When you copy and paste an image or quote for a presentation or assignment without citing that source, you may be at risk of being faced with a violation of copyright laws. In order to combat this issue in the classroom, I would make sure students understand the different types of citations they can use when referencing materials. I would also make sure that my students have a full understanding as to how they can create and structure their own arguments and views on topics discussed in the classroom. I also now understand that, as an educator, there are certain guidelines I need to follow when referencing or using materials in the classroom as well.
Since my main focus will be in teaching the arts, I must understand that the arts have a large lack of funding, especially in underfunded schools. This can lead to a lack of resources needed to help students understand their coursework, such as laptops and theatrical equipment like light and sound boards, microphones, lights, speakers, projectors, etc. In order to combat this, I would need to raise money as a teacher to help my program. This may be through putting on performances and raising money that way, or having my students run fundraisers to raise money in their community. I could also try to elect to the school board and state my case about why I think the arts are important for student development and need more funding.
My biggest concern with implementing AI and ChatGPT in my classroom is that the arts, specifically theatre, is all about cultivating individual, human creativity. If AI wrote all of the scripts you saw on television, there would be a lack of human qualities almost anyone could pick up on immediately. The same goes for theatre. A ChatGPT robot may be able to provide the basics about "how to act", but it cannot provide feedback based on human emotions. The only way I could see AI working in a theatre classroom would be for assisting in lighting, sound, or costume design creation for research purposes.
For the Newsletter Assignment, I learned a lot about using Canva for creative designs, and other functions I don't typically use in Word such as the column function and ClipArt. I think it really helped me understand what components are necessary for a digital newsletter being sent out to parents and students. I also had fun with the creative aspects on the assignment. Moving forward, I think I could work on making my newsletters look more cohesive, and really master the different Word elements necessary for the assignment.
Good points, Ava! Just have a suggestion for your newletter: you could adjust the color of the font in your banner. The current one is a little bit unclear. Maybe you could you use white color font.