
Showing posts from January, 2024

Blog #3

When discussing copyright and fair use issues in the classroom, it's first important to understand what sorts of issues can arise when using and referencing material that is not our intellectual property. When you copy and paste an image or quote for a presentation or assignment without citing that source, you may be at risk of being faced with a violation of copyright laws. In order to combat this issue in the classroom, I would make sure students understand the different types of citations they can use when referencing materials. I would also make sure that my students have a full understanding as to how they can create and structure their own arguments and views on topics discussed in the classroom. I also now understand that, as an educator, there are certain guidelines I need to follow when referencing or using materials in the classroom as well. Since my main focus will be in teaching the arts, I must understand that the arts have a large lack of funding, especially in underf...

EME Week 3: ISTE Standards and "Digital Natives"

 Hi y'all! In my academic experience, I have used Word mostly in college, but also became familiar with it in my K-12 years. I believe I started out writing using Word in about the sixth grade, which was before Google Docs were popularized. We would use Word and save all of our work onto a flash drive. I do typically prefer using Google Docs, but I often find myself using Word for assignments in college.  The ISTE Standards are a list of guidelines for teachers to help them when empowering students through the digital age. Out of all of the standards listed, I'm most drawn to 2.3c, Citizen- Teaching Safe, Legal, and Ethical practices. When using technology, I think it is so essential for students to understand and set boundaries around their time spent on the internet. I was also drawn to the aspect of protection of intellectual rights, which is especially important for students in the arts who may be sharing their creative work online. I want to help students gain a deep unde...

My First EME Blog

 Hi y'all! My name is Ava and I'm a student at FSU! I'm a performer and have been doing theatre since I was five years old, and I plan to continue performing as a career out of college. My long term goal is to become a dance or theatre teacher after I've performed for a few years and I've decided to complete a minor in Education for this reason! In my free time I like to read, do pilates and go on walks, and spend time with my friends. For my minor, I have already completed Intro to Education and Educational Development. In those classes, I regularly used my computer to complete assignments, so I am familiar with using technology in an educational setting in that way. However, in my prior experience teaching dance, I rarely utilized technology and relied more on pencil and paper. I only used technology as a means of communication with my students.  In terms of my learning needs, I regularly use the typical resources necessary for completing assignments such as Canva...